Access Types for Teams

Grow your business edge with our different access options

Individual Access
Who is the audience?

 SMEs, Enterprises, Schools

What is the set up / account provisioning process?


Where to access from?


Shared Access
Who is the audience?

Hotels, Universities, Libraries

What is the set up / account provisioning process?

IP Whitelisting

Where to access from?

On Premise

Who is the audience?

Institutions, Schools, Companies

What is the set up / account provisioning process?


Where to access from?


Who is the audience?

Shopping malls, Community spaces

What is the set up / account provisioning process?

Radius of the location

Where to access from?

On Premise

In addition, businesses can explore curated content to reach out to your audience to enhance engagement. Talk to us to explore customised solutions to suit your business needs.

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Looking for other Products and Solutions?
Student Publications
Student Publications
Encourage critical thinking and analysis in young learners with age-appropriate current affairs resources, curated by education experts to engage visual learners effectively.
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Archive and Content Licensing
Archive and Content Licensing
Select from a comprehensive archive of news articles, photographs and newspaper pages, which are valuable for professional, commercial, marketing, research and academic needs.
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Delight your customers with our lifestyle publications on your premise or app.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between individual and shared access?

Individual Access:

Access is granted to individual users via unique email accounts and passwords. It is best suited for SMEs, enterprises and schools who want to give their users access 24/7 anywhere at their convenience.

Shared Access:

Access is shared among multiple casual users (who may change from time to time) via IP/URL whitelisting, API integration or location-based permissions. 

IP whitelisting and location-based permissions are best suited for hotels, universities, libraries, shopping malls and community spaces which want to simplify access for large groups to effectively engage guests and visitors on-site. 

APIs are best suited for institutions and schools who want to engage their users from their own apps or intranet platforms. 

What types of businesses use SPH Media’s solutions?

Our products and solutions cater to all businesses who want to help their employees and customers stay informed, do sense-making and remain engaged. 

Can I see a live demo or take a trial for my team?

Please submit the ‘Request A Quote’ form here and outline your demo / trial request in the ‘Additional Remarks’ field. Our team will respond to your enquiry within three business days.

How much do solutions cost and how will I be billed?

Costs and billing arrangements will vary based on the specific solution selected for your business. To receive a tailored quotation, please complete the "Request A Quote" form and specify your business needs and concerns in the "Additional Remarks" section. Our team will respond to your enquiry within three business days. 

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