Standard Subscription Terms and Conditions

(Last updated on March 16, 2022)

1. These Standard Subscription Terms and Conditions (“Standard Terms”) govern your subscription(s) to newspapers published by SPH Media Limited and its successors-in-title (“SPH Media”), irrespective of the delivery platform or means of access. SPH Media has the right to amend these Standard Terms from time to time by posting any amendments on its website, and you agree to be bound by these amendments.

2. You must be 18 years old and above to subscribe to our services. If you are below 18 years old, please get your parent or guardian to undertake the subscription. You hereby represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years old and have the necessary legal capacity, right, power and authority to agree to these Standard Terms and you are either;

(a) using and/or accessing the subscription and contracting in your own personal capacity;

(b) using and/or accessing the subscription and contracting on behalf of a corporate entity; or

(c) contracting as parent or guardian of a child or ward who is less than 18 years old and who is using and/or accessing the subscription, in which event you agree as his/her parent/guardian, both in your personal capacity and on behalf of your child/ward, to be bound by these Standard Terms and to be liable for your child’s or ward’s acts and omissions while using and/or accessing the subscription, and you also agree to ensure that your child or ward observes these Standard Terms.

3. You also agree to be bound by any specific terms governing payment, subscription fees, minimum subscription periods, entitlements to any gift or premium under any promotion, termination fees and delivery fees which are applicable to your subscription as set out in our application forms for the relevant subscription packages and payment terms you have selected.

4. SPH Media has the right to vary subscription fees payable or any other term relating to your subscription from time to time upon giving you at least 1 month's prior notice.

5. Please take note that if you have opted to take delivery of the print edition of your subscribed newspapers, the applicable Delivery Fee, once charged, is non-refundable. Delivery Fees are charged by residential type, and will be charged per subscriber account per delivery address.

6. You should receive a letter acknowledging your subscription within 30 days of confirming your subscription.

7. All subscription fees are due in advance. Please ensure that payment is made and cleared by your bank before each monthly/annual recurring payment is due. For payments by credit card, your credit card account must be in good standing and remain valid for the monthly/annual charge(s) to be debited successfully. If your credit card has expired, or if you wish to use a different credit card, you must notify us promptly by contacting our Customer Experience Team at least 14 days before your next subscription fee payment is due. If you fail to provide us such notice in a timely manner, you shall be liable for any prevailing administrative, termination or other fees which SPH Media may impose in accordance with clause 10 below.

8. You may cancel your subscription to the Package at any time after the Minimum Subscription Period. However, you agree that your subscription to the Package will continue and be renewed automatically on a monthly or yearly basis (depending on the payment plan you select) until you expressly instruct us that you wish to cancel your subscription by providing us with at least 30 days’ prior notice in one of the following ways: (a) in writing and sent by post to "Customer Experience Team, Consumer Division, SPH Media Ltd, 1000 Toa Payoh North Annexe Level 6, News Centre, Singapore 318994"; or (b) by calling our Customer Experience Team at 6388 3838; or (c) by emailing us at If the minimum subscription period applicable to your subscription has not yet expired as at the date of such termination, the prevailing administrative, termination or other fees shall also be due and payable by you. Unless otherwise stated by SPH Media, any renewal of your subscription will be on the prevailing subscription terms.

9. If timely payment of your subscription fees or other payments due from you is not made for any reason, or if you breach any other terms and conditions that are applicable to your subscription, SPH Media may, without prejudice to its rights and remedies at law to recover any sums due from you, suspend or terminate your subscription without further notice or obligation to you and you may be subject to the prevailing administrative, termination or other fees.

10. If you experience any issues pertaining to delivery of newspapers (including but not limited to non-delivery of print editions of newspapers), please alert us promptly by contacting our Customer Experience Team no later than two (2) days after the date of the newspaper(s) in question.

11. In the event of any discrepancies or inaccuracies in your invoice/statement/records relating to the payment for your subscription, you must notify us promptly by contacting our Customer Experience Team no later than fourteen (14) days from the date of the invoice/statement/records for us to investigate into the matter, otherwise our records shall be conclusive of the amounts due from you and we will not entertain any disputes in relation to the same.

12. You confirm that the information provided in your subscription application form is true and correct at the point of application, and undertake to promptly inform SPH Media if there are any changes to the information provided from time to time.

13. You may seek a temporary suspension of delivery of print newspaper(s) ("Temporary Stop") by making a Temporary Stop request online at our website at (click on "Temporary Stop" option under "My Services" section). You agree that any Temporary Stop request (a) is offered on a goodwill basis only and is subject to SPH Media's approval in its absolute discretion, (b) must be made at least three (3) clear working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) before its intended start date, and (c) must be for a minimum of 3 consecutive days and cannot exceed 30 consecutive days per request.

14. If you are a Print-only subscriber and your Temporary Stop request is approved for a duration of at least 8 days, SPH Media may in its absolute discretion offer a refund or credit of your subscription for the duration of the Temporary Stop, up to a maximum of 30 days per calendar year in aggregate. All-in-One subscribers are not entitled to any refund or credit of subscription for any Temporary Stop of any duration as they will continue to have access to digital editions of their subscribed publications.

15. You agree and acknowledge that notwithstanding any approval by SPH Media of a Temporary Stop request, SPH Media does not undertake or guarantee that all delivery personnel will carry out Temporary Stop requests without error or at all. In such event, notwithstanding Clause 14, you remain liable to pay for all newspapers delivered to you during any Temporary Stop period requested. SPH Media shall not be liable for any loss or damage which you may suffer in connection with any continued delivery of newspaper(s) or any Temporary Stop request.

16. By submitting your subscription application form, you hereby agree and consent to:

(i) the terms of our Privacy Policy which can be found at as amended from time to time, and the terms of the Privacy Policy are incorporated into these Standard Terms by reference;

(ii) SPH Media, using and disclosing your personal data for the purposes of processing your subscription application and to provide you with the products and services you have requested. These purposes are set out in the SPH Media Privacy Policy which can be found at and which may be amended from time to time; and

(iii) the terms of our SPH Media Member Terms and Conditions which can be found at as amended from time to time, and the terms of the SPH Media Member Terms and Conditions are incorporated into these Standard Terms by reference. You further agree that SPH Media's decision on all matters or disputes relating to or in connection with your subscription and any matters ancillary thereto (including without limitation payment, delivery, promotions or eligibility requirements) are final and conclusive on you. In the event of conflict between these Standard Terms and the SPH Media Member Terms and Conditions, these Standard Terms shall prevail.

17. SPH Media has the right to vary or amend any terms and conditions which may apply to your subscription upon notice in writing by posting to SPH Media's website.

18. For more details on subscription matters, please refer to



Please note that the Chinese version of the T&Cs are provided for reference only, and that the English version shall prevail in any event of inconsistency or discrepancy.
请注意此中文版本条款与条件仅供参考, 如有任何与英文版本不符之处,请以英文版本为主。(2021年10月1日最后更新)

  1. 这些标准订阅条款与条件(“标准条款”)适用于您对新报业媒体有限公司及其继任公司(“新报业媒体”)出版的报纸订阅,与其新闻平台或访问方式无关。新报业媒体有限公司有权不时通过在其网站上发布任何修订条款版本来修改这些标准条款,并且您已同意受这些修订的约束。
  2. 您必须年满 18 岁才能订阅我们的服务。如果您未满 18 岁,请让您的父母或监护人代为订阅。您在此声明并保证,您已年满18岁,并拥有同意本标准条款所需的法律行为、权利能力、权力和权威,并且您是:
    (a) 以个人身份使用和订阅和/或签订合约;
    (b) 代表公司使用和订阅和/或签订合约;或者
    (c) 作为未满18岁的订户之监护人或父母签订合约,在这种情况下,您同意以个人身份作为您孩子或被监护人受本标准条款的约束,并对您的孩子或被监护人在订阅和/或使用服务时的行为负责,并且您还同意确保您的孩子或被监护人遵守这些标准条款。
  3. 您的订阅在我们的订阅表格中所列出相关的订阅配套及您所选择的付款条件,您也同意并被约束于任何特别条款指定款项、订阅费、最短订阅期、任何订阅优惠活动所获得的优惠品、订阅取消费及派送费等。
  4. 新报业媒体有限公司有权利在1个月前向您通知任何订阅费的调整或修改关于您订阅报刊的条款与条件。
  5. 如果您一旦确定要派送所订阅的报刊,派送费完成支付后就不得退款。派送费将依据您所居住的住宅类型有所区别,且派送费依据每位订户的帐户及派送地址计算。
  6. 一旦新报业媒体有限公司确认您的订阅后,您会于30天内收到订阅确认函。
  7. 所有订阅费都是以预先支付方式付款。请确保您的银行户口得以支付每月/年的订阅款项。关于信用卡支付,请确保您的信用卡帐户保持良好信用并且能成功支付每月/年的订阅款项。如果您的信用卡已经过期或您希望使用不同的信用卡,请于每月/年款项支付前14天向我们的客服中心联络。如果您未能在款项支付前14天通知我们,您必须承担支付新报业媒体有限公司所要求的相关行政费、订阅取消费或其它费用。
  8. 从您开始订阅报刊第一个月后,您的订阅每月会自动续约直到您向我们通知停止订阅服务。若您要停止订阅,请于30天前以书面通知我们,您可以 (a) 以书面形式邮寄至“SPH Media Ltd, 1000 Toa Payoh North Annexe Level 6, News Centre, Singapore 318994 Customer Experience, Consumer Division, SPH Media Ltd, 318994”;或 (b) 致电我们的客户服务热线 6388 3838;或 (c) 发送电子邮件至。如果您的合约最短订阅期尚未到期,您必须支付行政费、合约取消等其它费用。 除非新报业媒体另有说明,否则您的任何续订都将按照现行的订阅条款进行。
  9. 如果您未于缴费期限内支付订阅费及其它因素未能缴清欠款或违反任何条款与条件,新报业媒体有限公司可在不影响其在法律上之权利向您要求支付欠款或者在无任何提前通知下停止您的订阅服务且您必须支付相关行政费或其它订阅取消等费用。
  10. 如果您遇到任何报纸派送问题(包含但不仅限于印刷版报纸未派送问题),请于发生派送问题的2天内向我们的客服中心联络。
  11. 如果您在订阅过程中,发票、结单或纪录有任何差异或不符合您的订阅款项,您必须在收到发票、结单或纪录14天内向我们的客户服务中心联络以调查问题原因,否则我们的记录则是决定您所最终所需支付的金额,我们不会接受任何的申诉及退款。
  12. 您确认在送出订阅表格时所提供资料是正确的并且保证如果有任何更改都必须向新报业媒体有限公司立刻进行通知。
  13. 您可通过我们的网站 登录(点击"My Services"中的"Temporary Stop")进行暂停派送印刷版报纸服务(简称"暂停派报服务")。您同意这项暂停派报服务 (a) 是新报业媒体有限公司提供便利之服务且保有最终决定处理权 (b) 至少需在3个工作天前(不包含星期六、日及公共假期)完成暂停派报 (c)且每次至少暂停3天以上及最多不超过30天。
  14. 如果您是印刷版订户且您所使用的暂停派报服务已被确认,并且每次至少暂停8天以上,每年最多不超过30天,新报业媒体有限公司将根据您的暂停天数退还部份款项或馀额退还。多合一综合配套(All-in-One)订户使用暂停派报服务,不得享有任何退款或馀额退还之权利因为订户仍然可继续使用数码平台阅读报刊。
  15. 您同意且确认无论新报业媒体有限公司批准您的暂停派报需求,新报业媒体有限公司并不承担或保证所有暂停派报服务无任何差错。在上述情况下,无论您是否符合标准订阅条款与条件中的第14条,订户仍然需支付在暂停派报期间所有报刊订阅费用,且无论订户是否继续收到报纸或已要求暂停派报服务,新报业媒体有限公司不会承担订户任何损失。
  16. 提交订阅申请表格,即表示您同意并接受新报业媒体有限公司可随时修改列在 的隐私权政策条款,并且将隐私权政策条款纳入标准订阅条款与条件,作为参考; 新报业媒体有限公司及其相关公司(统称 “新报业媒体”)收集,使用和披露您的个人数据,以处理您的订阅申请并向您提供所订阅的报刊及服务。这些目的已在新报业媒体有限公司隐私权政策中阐明,并且新报业媒体有限公司可随时修改列在 的隐私权政策条款。
    新报业媒体有限公司可随时修改列在 的新报业媒体有限公司会员条款与条件,并且将新报业媒体有限公司会员条款与条件纳入标准订阅条款与条件,作为参考。您已同意新报业媒体有限公司对于您的订阅有关或与之相关的所有事宜或纠纷以及与之相关的任何其他事宜(包括但不限于付款,派送,促销或资格要求)的决定都是最终决定。如果标准订阅条款与条件与新报业媒体有限公司会员条款与条件发生冲突,则以标准订阅条款与条件为准。
  17. 新报业媒体有限公司有权利在其网站通知且随时修改关于您订阅配套的任何条款与条件
  18. 更多关于订阅细节,请参考